Rosacea Treatment
Rosacea Rosacea is a problem that affects both men and women. It frequently causes a patient to feel embarrassed and self conscious. Belleza Meds Spa has a laser that can reduce the redness leaving the skin looking even in color.
The laser procedure warms the skin sealing vessels and stimulating collagen production which gives the skin a more vibrant appearance. The laser skin care procedure feels like a message. A “noncontact” method is used that gently “paints” the skin. It can be applied to the face, neck and chest. Normal activity can be resumed by patients immediately following the treatment.
Typically, a laser treatment should be done every 2-3 weeks for about 4-5 treatments to obtain optimal results.
How long does a treatment take?
A session typically takes 15 minutes and average of 5 treatments is recommended followed by periodic touch ups.
How often should I get my treatment?
Treatments for laser facials should be spaced about 2-3 weeks apart.
Does the laser facial hurt?
The skin will feel warm but it will not be painful.
Sun Damage
Sun damage is a problem that affects both men and women. It frequently causes a patient to feel embarrassed and self conscious. The Laser Facial gently heats the skin to reduce uneven pigmentation and to stimulate collagen production.
The Alexandrite laser is used to reduce superficial pigmented spots. The Laser Facial procedure feels like a message. A “noncontact” method is used that gently “paints” the skin. It can be applied to the face, neck and chest. Normal activity can be resumed by patients immediately following the treatment.
How long does a treatment take?
A session typically takes 15 minutes and average of 5 treatments is recommended.
How often should I get my Rosacea treatment?
Treatments for laser facials should be spaced about 2 weeks apart.
Does the laser facial hurt?
The skin will feel warm but it will not be painful.
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