Belleza Med Spa offers age spot removal treatments.
Lets face it, the sun in Albuquerque is intense. I have lived in Albuquerque, NM my entire life and have spent most of it outside enjoying our beautiful weather. I love to ride my bike along the Bosque and hike with my dog in the foot hills of the Sandia Mountains. I have had my share of sun damage! I recently began noticing more and more age spots and decided to try some over the counter products rather than using more make up. They did nothing! Many months later I was at a work event and saw a medical spa among the exhibitors.
I spoke with the young lady attending the booth and she informed me that they offered laser age spot removal and that it was the most effective and safe form of removing my age spots. I was stunned.
Why hadn’t I heard of such a treatment? I have a very good social circle of friends that would have shared this with me had they stumbled upon it. Well either way I needed to look into laser age spot removal further.
I called the exhibitor the next week and booked a consultation to meet with the Doctor. Upon my arrival I completed some paperwork and noticed they had a before and after album for me to review while I was waiting. I couldn’t believe my eyes. Literally most if not all of the age spot removal photos were remarkable. I couldn’t wait to see my after photo. The front desk called my name and I practically ran her down getting into the treatment room. I informed the doctor that I was ready to start as soon as she was and luckily she had an appointment available right then. I couldn’t have been happier.
Age Spot Removal Albuquerque
It was a quick treatment with only a little level of discomfort and was scheduled for a 3 wk FU! I decided to take my own before and after photos as well as the age spots were healing. The morning of my follow up appointment I began jumping up and down when I myself had to try and find where the age spots once were. It brought me to tears not because I was saddened but because I was delighted to have my beautiful skin again!
Belleza Med Spa, Albuquerque’s number one spot for age spot removal!
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